With acclaim from Mashable, Bloomberg TV, TechCrunch, and others, weeSpring is fundamentally changing the way parents make purchases.
What are you loving this month? Featuring Allyson Downey, co-founder and CEO of weeSpring.
#bestofdigi: Discover the Best of Everything Before Buying
Think of weeSpring.com as Yelp for baby products. Ratings are based on how much other users love (or loathe) their purchases.
Social network for parents wins Crain's contest
A clear and realistic presentation helped online startup weeSpring claim the top prize at Crain's Perfect Pitch competition at Columbia Business School last Friday.
weeSpring Founders Ally and Jack Downey discuss the company's baby products website on Bloomberg Television's "Money Moves."
New Parents: Bookmark This Website
As many new parents will tell you, navigating Babies R Us or Buy Buy Baby for the first time can be an overwhelming, maybe even terrible experience. And even if you do get over your initial anxiety, you probably won't know how to evaluate the products you're seeing.
WeeSpring allows users to add friends via email or Facebook so they can share their trustworthy opinions on thousands of everyday essentials from cribs to car seats using a simple rating system.
Why My Mother's Day Isn't About Me
I don’t have a platform like Amy Poehler, or a super cool award to dedicate, but I do have a day coming up (thank you, Hallmark) that is celebrated in my honor. And I’m fully ready to admit that I wouldn’t be one-tenth of the good mother (I hope) I am without the support and love that Liliana, my son’s caregiver, brings to our family each day.
weeSpring gives you friendly advice
The single most important thing an expectant mother can acquire during her pregnancy: a baby gear checklist from a trusted friend. The single most annoying thing she will suffer that is not spider veins: unsolicited advice from everyone else.
WeeSpring Makes it Easier to Select Baby “Essentials”
It's easy for expectant parents to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices out there when it comes to baby gear, baby food, baby diapering and everything else related to raising a little one.
New Site Called "weeSpring" Rates Baby Products
Becoming a parent can be miraculous and a little scary at the same time. FOX29's Thomas had the details on "Good Day Philly."
Techs and the City: Ally Downey of weeSpring
Much has been said and written about the lack of women in the tech sector, be it as investors (or associates), founders or in management positions at major companies. Is the problem the old boys network – or that success in technology is seen as a young man’s game?
TC's Picks from TechStars NY Summer Class
weeSpring was born out of a personal pain point. Co-founder Allyson Downey found herself in tears at a Baby’s “R” Us when she was pregnant with her first child, overwhelmed by the variety and her unfamiliarity with the brands.
WeeSpring revamps mobile site for kid gear
It doesn’t matter that humans have been procreating for some 200,000 years with relative success. In the months leading up to childbirth, expecting parents are still stricken with fear over whether they’ll somehow screw it up.
TechStars has become the most competitive startup accelerator program on the east coast. But for its New York City program, the next few months will be pivotal.
I was completely wrong about most of the things I was certain of when I was 23. Like wanting to be a novelist. And the (train wreck of a) guy I thought I'd wind up marrying. More than anything, though, I believed professional success was all about merit and hard work. Here's a really important lesson: It's not.
16 Common Mistakes Young Startups Make
"Someone told me recently, 'Any time I'm talking to someone who doesn't work for me already, I'm evaluating if I should try and hire them.' Every entrepreneur should always be recruiting."
Startup Founders Reveal 5 Ways to Build a Strong Culture
When startup weeSpring was in TechStars, the team had what founder Allyson Downey calls a "family therapy" session with well-known investor Brad Feld.
JWT Intelligence: Q&A with Ally Downey
Ally Downey talks to JWT about the deep user engagement of parents, attracting fathers in a mother-dominated space, and the startup’s plans to dive into big data and mobile.
The End of 380,000 Car Seat Reviews
Since its start early this year, weeSpring has amassed more than 50,000 product ratings. For individual products, it gets more reviews than BuyBuyBaby and Diapers.com combined, and is poised to surpass Amazon in the number of baby product reviews within six months.